Veterans are a great mortgage marketing segment. Veterans Administration (VA) loans are more flexible than conventional loans, and with zero down payment options available depending on the Veteran’s service status, they are readily workable to most.
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Marketing to Veterans doesn’t have to be hard. Veterans are a definitive audience, and they are uniquely qualified to take advantage of the VA loan benefits that non-Veterans cannot. Vets who might otherwise think they are destined to rent may be able to own a home.
Creating – or in the case of robust mortgage CRM programs such as Surefire from Top of Mind, implementing – automated marketing pieces and tools is a hands-off way of regularly delivering educational and motivational content. Inspiring prospective buyers by letting them know that no down payments, low closing costs and no mortgage insurance requirements can all be features of VA loan programs that can help turn heads and minds.
A steady stream of educational material reaching Veterans in their inbox, letterbox, mobile phone or social channels can demonstrate your knowledge and depth of resources available to them. Building their confidence in your expertise and abilities in the process can assure you’re the most favored resource when it comes time to make the move.
Marketing to Veterans is not just for purchases
VA refinancing can be another great mortgage marketing plan. Veterans can use interest rate reduction refinance loans to streamline the process of saving on an existing VA loan or converting an adjustable rate to a fixed rate instead.
Veterans can also access cash from equity for making repairs or improvements, paying off or consolidating other debt, or for many other needs as well.
VA Construction Loans
Marketing to Veterans can even engage prospects looking to use a VA loan to finance the construction of a brand-new home.
A Better Breed
Veterans are typically disciplined and well-organized. Who doesn’t like that in a new mortgage loan applicant? Mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers can be well served by broadening their reach to this class of mortgage loan prospects. Deploying well-crafted marketing that caters to the needs of Veterans while promoting the benefits of the programs available only to them is a strategy that some loan officers make their primary goal.
Great businesses have been built by targeting this market and enjoying the loyalty of a client base built up by the loan officers’ efforts and the referrals that often come from their happy customers.
Getting Started
Marketing to Veterans where bases exist provides a ready pool of prospective owners or of those that may be able to benefit from refinancing. In other areas, distributing focused materials that make it clear they are for Veterans only will attract exactly that. But don’t rely solely on marketing — be the expert too. Do your research if you’re not already well versed in order to assure you make the best impression on respondents to your mortgage marketing efforts.
The great thing about almost any marketing niche is that it’s particularly well suited for clients to refer their friends to someone they’ve come to trust and respect as an authority on the subject that relates specifically to them.
To see how a Veterans mortgage marketing program or any other for that matter can be made easy and almost completely automated, schedule a Surefire CRM demo today. Surefire CRM is loaded with award-winning content and pre-made workflows that will help develop and turn your leads, first into prospects and then into clients for life.

Brian Larrabee
Content Director
Brian’s entire professional career has centered in real estate. He’s designed, built and brokered homes. He’s provided over half a billion dollars in mortgage loan financing to everyone from first time-buyers to the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies He’s a published author with articles in periodicals,
hedge fund websites and trade publications. Brian has traveled the country and been on broadcast radio to speak in front of hundreds of his industry contemporaries. He’s also created and developed hundreds of educational products from print to digital used throughout the U.S. and beyond, which make the process of buying and financing a home easier for all. Brian is a father, real estate investor, outdoorsman, pilot, skier, golfer and plays ice hockey in several men’s leagues every week of the year.