Benefits of Using Sales Boomerang and Surefire Together
The connection will send Surefire creative at specific frequencies and in multiple methods (email, text, power call) when Sales Boomerang trigger alerts occur in real time for all past clients and prospects.
Also, when a new lead is added to Surefire CRM, it automatically appears in Sales Boomerang to begin tracking which will enable the system to determine any opportunities that come up during the customer lifecycle.
Enhancing the borrower experience is the ultimate goal between these two systems and can be put into action immediately out of the box.
Key Features
This integration delivers timely and relevant alerts to both borrowers and loan officers (and assistants if desired) when a contact has an update to Credit Increases, Home Equity, Loan Rate, Life Events, a Mortgage Inquiry and a New Listing.
Surefire’s new Power Calls feature improves the speed and ease with which loan officers reach out to borrowers, enabling them to close more deals.