Categories: Mortgage Marketing

5 Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers and Mortgage Brokers

A simple Google search will yield multiple marketing ideas for loan officers and mortgage brokers, but as you scroll through them, they start to sound the same.

Based on years of experience with Top of Mind Networks and Surefire CRM, these five marketing strategies include a fresh take on traditional marketing ideas and take advantage of new technologies.

Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers #1 – Post-Close Communication

Stay in touch with your borrowers after closing—for a long time. Your borrowers likely won’t be ready to refinance or purchase a new home for a while. When they get to that point, be sure they remember your name so you can earn their repeat business.

In the interim, they’re likely to have friends or family in the market for home financing. You want your name to stick in their minds so they’ll be ready to recommend you.

Here’s the new spin: Move beyond postal mail and email marketing to deliver your messages in multiple channels. And include various types of messages, some with no apparent sales call to action. Send a yearly mortgage checkup reminder and a holiday greeting through the mail; text birthday greetings; and email links to mortgage-related landing pages, such as up-to-date appreciation data or neighborhood info.

And don’t forget a closing gift! No matter your choice, be sure it will hang around (unlike a bottle of wine) and something that reminds them of the giver, either with your full contact information or logo. Think the branding will keep them from using your gift? Be discreet about placement and thoughtful about the gift for the best results.


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Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers #2 – Postcards

Surefire CRM data shows that mortgage loan officers who market with postcards close 2 to 4 times more deals than those who don’t use postcards.

That’s a huge difference-maker.

Independent studies also show that direct mail is NOT dead. In a mailbox, marketing messages compete with less noise than in an email inbox.

Whether you’re sending postcards to individuals through a post-close campaign or to large segments of your database, think carefully about both the image you use and the messaging. The image should compel recipients to turn the card over, and your messaging should be engaging and memorable.

Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers #3 – Quick Responses

A common stat that floats around customer service channels is that 78% of consumers purchase from the first person or company that responds to their inquiry.

Be that person.

If you’re purchasing leads, even high-quality ones, chances are the same leads are being sold to more than one loan officer. You can integrate your source with your mortgage CRM system and set up rules to immediately text or email an offer of assistance when a lead is added. You automatically become the first responder and winner of more deals.

Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers #4 – Automated Workflows

You don’t have time for all of this marketing, do you? Just as you can automate immediate responses to your leads, you can also automate your post-close communication, postcard mailings, and series of communications related to specific topics or workflows.

If you have a few good workflows at your disposal, targeted email marketing will occur with minimal involvement from you. Be sure to have purchase prospect, refi prospect, in-process, post-close and credit builder workflows in your arsenal.

A Top of Mind analysis found that Surefire users who used automated marketing closed twice the deals and earned double the revenue of those who did not use them. One company reports that marketing automation workflows allowed them to generate ten times the leads with ten times fewer resources.

Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers #5 – Tracking

If you use Google or Facebook ads, you can optimize your results by adding tracking pixels to your website and landing pages. When you include the pixel (a snippet of code provided by Google or Facebook), you’re allowing the platforms to track the visitors to your site or landing page. You can then target these specific people in your ads.

For example, suppose you have a landing page that contains a refinance calculator and another that includes a pre-qualification calculator. In that case, you’ll probably want to target potential clients who try out those calculators with different ads — one for a refi and one for purchase. Facebook or Google will take you through the necessary steps.

Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers Pro Tip - Mortgage CRM Software!

A strong mortgage CRM software will include the marketing content and automation tools you need to make your life easier. Surefire CRM is the industry’s most-used platform. We’d love to give you a tour!

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